Episode Twenty-One: The Doctor’s Nuclear Family

This time we are joined by the Mayor of Eastleigh himself, Mr Adam Manning, to help us investigate the mystery that is Matt Smith’s ‘The Doctor’s Daughter’. Along the way, we stumble across several other mysteries associated with the episode: how did this actually get made? What exactly is Pek? What makes the perfect quicksand scene? And is there a way of getting River Song involved in all this? It’s ‘The Doctor’s Daughter’, but not as you’ve seen it! Which may be for the best.

Click on the image to access the episode on Anchor FM or stream from this site on the Podcasts page.

Episode Twenty-One can also be accessed on the following platforms: SpotifyApple PodcastsCastboxPocket CastsRadio PublicYouTube and Stitcher.

This episode is based on the 2009 story The Doctor’s Daughter by Stephen Greenhorn, which originally starred the Tenth Doctor David Tennant, but has been Time Rammed to feature the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith.

The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, Paul Ferry and Barry Williams, with special guest star Adam Manning.

Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones

Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Barry Williams.


 The Doctor’s Daughter     Trailer     Matt Smith     The Eleventh Doctor     David Tennant     The Tenth Doctor     Cloning     “‘Ere, let’s have a look at your lettuce!”     Eastleigh     H.D. (High Definition)     Logan’s Run     Lily James     Pek Chopped Pork     Christopher Priest     Excalibur     Quicksand     Clams!     Next Time

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