Episode Twenty-Five: The Time Ram Christmas Special

In the festive season Time Ram is pleased to present this plum duff of an episode, stuffed with surprises and extra goodies. We share the tale of Peter Cushing’s third Doctor Who film “Dr Who and the Daleks at the Earth’s Core”. Not only that, but also a special presentation of ‘Space Ram’ tangling Star Trek and Fireball XL5. There may also be (whisper it) some extra original content. Which two sci-fi heroes turn out to be identical? Who is the British Prime Minister these days? Can we get through a whole episode without mentioning Helen Mirren? With thanks to our special guest stars Melanie Clark and Steve Palace. Time Ram is a proud member of the Direction Point Network.


Click on the image to access the episode on Anchor FM or stream from this site on the Podcasts page.

Episode One can also be accessed on the following platforms: SpotifyApple PodcastsCastboxPocket CastsRadio PublicYouTube and Stitcher.

This episode is based on the  1976 motion picture At the Earth’s Core, which  has been Time Rammed to feature the Movie Doctor, Peter Cushing and the 1966 Star Trek episode The Trouble with Tribbles, which has been Space Rammed to feature the crew of Fireball XL5.

Linking scenes and ‘I’m Dreaming of a White Robot’ written by Paul Ferry.

The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, Paul Ferry and Barry Williams.

Guest Starring Steven Palace as Ebenezer Scrooge and Melanie Clark as Ryshela.

Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones. Additional music by Gustav Holst and Sergei Prokoviev.

Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Paul Ferry.





A Christmas Carol     Scrooge     At the Earth’s Core     Trailer     Peter Cushing     Doug McClure     Dr. Who and the Daleks     Milton Subotsky     At the Earth’s Phwoaarrr!     Cy Grant     Star Trek     The Trouble with Tribbles     Trailer     Fireball XL5     Gerry Anderson     I Wish I was a Spaceman     I’m the Urban Spaceman     White Robot     “Troika”     Next Time


…AND     A     HAPPY     CHRISTMAS     TO     ALL     YOU     AT     HOME!