Episode 37: The Arousing

This Time Ram, we’re joined by our favourite mayor, Mr Adam Manning, to review ‘The Awakening’ – now starring Colin Baker! The Doctor and Peri land in a sleepy English village, in which they encounter some old friends and a surprising face from their future… Someone apparently due to make a return to the show! We also discover what was acceptable in the 80s, whose name fits the theme music, and what makes the scariest apparition? It’s the episode that’s sponsored by Jeyes Fluid!*

*Or would be, if we’d bothered to ask them!

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This episode is based on the  1984 episode The Awakening by Eric Pringle originally starred the Fifth Doctor Peter Davison, but has been Time Rammed to feature the Sixth Doctor, Colin Baker.

The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, Paul Ferry and Barry Williams, with Special Guest Star Adam Manning.

Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones

Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Barry Williams.





The Awakening     Trailer     The Sixth Doctor     Colin Baker     The Fifth Doctor     Peter Davison     The English Civil War     The Plague     Paul Daniels and the Lovely Debbie McGee     Stig of the Dump     Peter Wingarde     The Liver Birds     Howard – Phwooarr!     Jeyes Fluid    Quatermass and the Pit     Queen of the May     Next Time