Episode 49: Not The Five Doctors You Were Expecting

For our 60th anniversary special, we take the classic episode ‘The Five Doctors’ and Time Ram it into the ‘Day of the Doctor’ slot, as broadcast on 23 November 2013! Despite some of us being trapped in a time eddy, we explain numbers, the Cyberman decline and the economic role of Terrys chocolate oranges… helped by our special guest, Gareth Preston! No cabbages were harmed in the making of this podcast.

Click on the image to access the episode on Spotify or stream from this site on the Podcasts page.

This episode can also be accessed on the following platforms: Apple PodcastsCastboxPocket CastsRadio PublicYouTube and Audible.


This episode is based on the  1983 Anniversary Special The Five Doctors by Terrance Dicks, which originally starred the Fifth Doctor Peter Davison, a wax effigy of the Fourth Doctor Tom Baker, the Third Doctor Jon Pertwee, the Second Doctor Patrick Troughton and the First Doctor for one night only played by Richard Hurndall, BUT, but has been Anniversary Rammed to feature the Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith, the Tenth Doctor David Tennant, a wax effigy of the Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston, the Eighth Doctor Paul McGann and the Fourth Doctor played by the actual Tom Baker.

The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, a wax effigy of Paul Ferry and Barry Williams, with Special Guest Star Gareth Preston.

Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones

Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Barry Williams.




The Five Doctors     Trailer     The Eleventh Doctor     Matt Smith     The Tenth Doctor     David Tennant     The Ninth Doctor     Christopher Eccleston     The Eighth Doctor     Paul McGann     The Fifth Doctor     Peter Davison     The Fourth Doctor     Tom Baker     The Third Doctor     Jon Pertwee     The Second Doctor     Patrick Troughton     The First Doctor     William Hartnell     Richard Hurndall     No Room For Anything Else – Here’s Slade!