Episode 54: City of Hoff

In this special episode of Time Ram, we are joined by EDA authors Kate Orman and Jonathan Blum to help us explain what happens when you take Paul McGann and put him into ‘City of Death’! In the process, we get to consider Michelangelo’s David, time travelling Silurians and the effect of David Hasselhoff’s speedos on evolution. Features 100% more deadly snakes than the average episode!


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This episode is based on the  1979 serial City of Death by ‘David Agnew’, which originally starred the Fourth Doctor Tom Baker, but has been Time Rammed to feature the Eighth Doctor Paul McGann.

The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, Paul Ferry and Barry Williams.

With Special Guest Stars Kate Orman and Jonathan Blum.

Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones

Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Paul Ferry.




City of Death     Trailer     The Eighth Doctor     Paul McGann     The Fourth Doctor     Tom Baker    ‘David Agnew’     Douglas Adams     Storm Names     David Peckinpah     Red Bellied Black Snake     British Snakes     Paris     La Gioconda     Mona Lisa     Rubber     David Hasselhoff     The Louvre     Catherine Schell – PHWOARR!     Remington Steele     American Gladiators     Fabio – PHWOARR?      Leonardo DaVinci     Return of the Pink Panther     Primordial Slime     Next Time