Episode 69: Two Flat Ladies

This week Time Ram take Doctor One Dozen Peter Capaldi’s classic CGI-fest ‘Flatline’ and adapt it for Man Alive Peter Davison’s era, complete with early-eighties special effects. Because of course we do. Lucky! (With digressions for Big Brother, pineapple and JNT casting policies.) Ducking and Diving with us is special guest Jon Arnold, ready to join the Brighton Line to the Top of the Shop!


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This episode is based on the  2014 story Flatline by Jamie Mathieson, which originally starred the Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi, but has been Time Rammed to feature the Fifth Doctor Peter Davison.

The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, Paul Ferry and Barry Williams, with Special Guest Star Jon Arnold.

Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones.

Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Barry Williams.




Flatline     Trailer     The Fifth Doctor     Peter Davison     The Twelfth Doctor      Peter Capaldi     Flatland     Big Brother      Shadow Puppetry     The Box of Delights     BBC Micro     Cy Town     1980s Street Art     Craig Charles     1970s BBC Cameras     Jeffrey Bernard     Nervous System     Pineapple     The Addams Family     Jeyes Fluid     Auf Weidersehen, Pet     Juliet Bravo     Who the **** is Delores Grey?    More 1980s Street Art    Next Time