Time Ram take time off from watching boxsets to review ‘The Doctor’s Wife’ as made for Paul McGann in the late 1990s! In the process, we observe early Wirrns, CGI swirly balls, JNT’s desirable office and screaming Bovril. Could we really, finally have caught up with the Doctor’s father, Ulysses? One thing’s for sure: Time Lords are weird.
Click on the image to access the episode on Spotify or stream from this site on the Podcasts page.
This episode can also be accessed on the following platforms: Apple Podcasts, Castbox, Pocket Casts, Radio Public, YouTube and Audible.
This episode is based on the 2011 serial The Doctor’s Wife by Neil Gaiman, which originally starred the Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith, but has been Time Rammed to feature the Eighth Doctor Paul McGann.
The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, Paul Ferry and Barry Williams.
Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones
Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Barry Williams.
The Doctor’s Wife Trailer The Eighth Doctor Paul McGann The Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith Sisyphus John Nathan-Turner Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Ulysses Tap-Tap-Tapping Suranne Jones Gillian Anderson Jonathan Harris Majel Barrett Wirrn Rotwang Maaga Magla Meglos Megron Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Horse (with Arms) House (without Arms) Screaming Bovril Disco Blue Peter Design-a-TARDIS Neil Gaiman Next Time