Episode Fourteen: The Sea Turloughs

This time, we examine the Peter Davison classic from 1984: ‘The Sea Devils’. You remember it: the one where all those extras playing Sea Devils in heavy leather Samurai costumes drowned in the sea. The story in which the Doctor visits the Master in prison and finds him affable and friendly… No wait, this is the Ainley Master, isn’t it? The story in which the Doctor visits the Master in prison and finds him as mad as a box of frogs. The one in which Tegan is a good and capable helpmeet. The one in which Turlough… what does Turlough do? What does Turlough ever do? Tune in and find out! Or not. That’s equally likely, frankly.

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Episode One can also be accessed on the following platforms: SpotifyApple PodcastsCastboxPocket CastsRadio PublicYouTube and Stitcher.

This episode is based on the 6-part 1973 serial The Sea Devils by Malcolm Hulke, which originally starred the Third Doctor Jon Pertwee, but has been Time Rammed to feature the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison.

The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, Paul Ferry and Barry Williams.

Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones

Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Paul Ferry.

Photomontage by Rupert Booth