Episode 65: It’s a Museum… a Space Museum

In space, no one can hear you visit the museum… That’s what the 14th Doctor learns when he takes companions Trude and Mel to visit The Space Museum! Memories of William Hartnell can be erased as Time Ram introduces us to the adventures of Sita, the planet of used mobile phones and collars with balls on. Disclaimer: This episode may include mental images of David Tennant in his speedos. Or not. It’s up to you.


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This episode is based on the 1965 episode The Space Museum by Glyn Jones, which originally starred the First Doctor William Hartnell, but has been Time Rammed to feature the Fourteenth Doctor David Tennant.

The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, Paul Ferry and Barry Williams.

Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones.

Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Barry Williams.




The Space Museum     Trailer     The Fourteenth Doctor     David Tennant     The First Doctor     William Hartnell     Glyn Jones     Pirate VHS     Las Vegas Neon Sign Museum     Carrot Juice     Riverside Studios     Ivor Salter      ‘B’ Ark      Miri      Jeremy Bulloch     David Graham     June Hudson     Profoundly Witty People     Walrus     The Animus – PHWOARR!    Time Lord Drawings     Next Time