Episode 34: Which Witch is Which…?

This week we investigate Paul McGann’s ‘The Witchfinders’, in which he arrives in Salem to search for his father Ulysses, and has come prepared in his chameleon pants. We also discuss tense strumming, enspleening ahead of time and any number of unlikely guest stars. Charles Dance anyone? Don’t mind if I do. We also mix up Helen Mirren with Robert Jewell, pursue the Evil Dead and mess up Grace’s ballgown. It’s William Shatner’s Panty Party, and anyone who doesn’t want to hear that must be dead inside!

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This episode is based on the 2018 episode The Witchfinders by Joy Wilkinson originally starred the Thirteenth Doctor Jodie Whittaker, but has been Time Rammed to feature the Eighth Doctor, Paul McGann.

The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, Paul Ferry and Barry Williams.

Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones

Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Paul Ferry.





The Witchfinders     Trailer     The Eighth Doctor     Paul McGann     The Thirteenth Doctor     Jodie Whittaker     The Leekley Bible      Macbeth     The Celestial Toymaker     The Pendle Witch Trials     Matthew Hopkins     King James I     The Salem Witch Trials     Cotton Mather     Salem’s Lot     The Ducking Stool     The Evil Dead     “If she weighs the same as a duck… SHE’S A WITCH!”     William Shatner     Next Time