Episode 43: Terror of the Crablikes

It’s Time (Ram) for us to gird our gas bladders and look at Tom Baker’s ‘The Macra Terror’ (previously associated with Patrick Troughton)! This episode we join the Danger Gang, growl at K9’s head and take part in some inappropriate dancing. But are we ready to finally settle that crab/snail argument? Only one way to find out…


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This episode is based on the  1967 episode The Macra Terror by Ian Stuart Black, which originally starred the Second Doctor Patrick Troughton, but has been Time Rammed to feature the Fourth Doctor Tom Baker.

The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, Paul Ferry and Barry Williams.

Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones

Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Barry Williams.




The Macra Terror     Trailer     The Fourth Doctor     Tom Baker     The Second Doctor     Patrick Troughton     Surviving Footage     Macra     Ian Stuart Black     Crabs     Snails     Insects     Alan Lake     Season 18     Missing Stories     The ‘Shitty’ One     The Dark Crystal     Invaders from Mars (1986)     Top of the Old Man Directory      Next Time