Episode 42: Armageddon Comes to Milton Jeavons

It’s The End of the World – but just the Doctor Who episode, which Time Ram now translates from the Christopher Eccleston to its rightful home in the Tom Baker era! We’re now in the 70’s, when people were natural and saggy, and no one did emotions yet. So who wants to be Sondergaard? Beau Bridges or Bo Derek? When can’t you trust your staff with the off switch? And finally, please show us on this doll where Chris Chibnall touched you…


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This episode is based on the  2005 episode The End of the World by Russell T. Davies, which originally starred the Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston, but has been Time Rammed to feature the Fourth Doctor Tom Baker.

The podcast is hosted by Rupert Booth, Paul Ferry and Barry Williams.

Original music composed and performed by Ben Jones

Zoom recordings by Barry Williams. Edited by Paul Ferry.




The End of the World     Trailer     The Fourth Doctor     Tom Baker     The Ninth Doctor     Christopher Eccleston      It’s Only the End of the World Again     Out of the Trees     Milton Jeavons     The Secret Policeman’s Ball     Penelope Keith     Itsy & Bitsy     Experimental Child     Pamela Salem     On the Move     Absorb! Absorb!      Ceefax     Galaxy Quest     Jeremy Bentham     J. Jeremy Bentham     Next Time


In Memory of Michael Parkinson and Peter Vaughan-Clarke